Celebrating Caregivers

Caregivers BookmarkAt Olmsted Medical Center, we consider all employees to be caregivers.

OMC Regional Foundation is "Celebrating Caregivers" at all Olmsted Medical Center patient-care locations. This campaign gives OMC visitors or patients the opportunity to share a comment about their visit and/or make a donation to the Foundation's "The Patient Comes First Fund" in honor of an OMC caregiver who made a difference during their time visiting OMC.

Clear acrylic display units including "Celebrating Caregivers" bookmarks and pre-addressed envelopes are displayed in all of OMC’s main waiting areas. To share a comment or make a donation, patients can fill out the back side of the bookmark. Patients then place the completed bookmark in a sealed envelope and leave it with an OMC staff member or mail it directly to the OMC Regional Foundation. 

If you have a question about "Celebrating Caregivers" or if you know of a patient or visitor who is interested in other ways to express gratitude, please contact OMC Regional Foundation at 507.292.7208 or foundation@olmmed.org.